Python vs Java Full Stack Developer: Choosing the Right Path

python vs java full stack developer

The architecture of web application is designed by a full stack developer who works in coordination with various other elements and makes sure to develop a responsive application that works across all platforms.

Navigating the world of Developers with Java full stack Developers & Python Developers

Who are full stack developers?

Full stack developers are proficient in understanding the server side of language, creative with technical qualities and also help in data security and protection. Programming language is the requirement of present day IT business and all related fields. 

Development of a website both the frontend, backend and application, requires  understanding of tools and technologies.

Key skill set required for full stack development?

In full stack development developers have the  freedom to combine several programming languages based on how well they work together and requirements as per project.

The key skill set required is having knowledge about JavaScript required by developers for full-stack development and this language is utilised on both the front end and the back end. Features of  JavaScript enable it to capture seamless communication between the client and the server.

Some of the popular skills of a full stack developer include languages used for developing the front end of websites like JavaScript, ReactJS, VueJS, and HTML. For developing backend, languages like Python, NodeJS, Java, and Ruby are sought after

Key features of Python developers are

Framework for Python Developers

Languages that are generally used are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but now a new front-end Python framework is also used which is named PyScript. 

Python developers use  frameworks like Django or Flask to bridge the gap between the client and the server. This is mainly done to ensure the website is fully functional across the entire application.

Advantages of using Python for full stack development

Hiring  Python developers can bring in multiple benefits for organizations as they have diverse skill sets along with being flexible for a diverse range of projects.

Considering Python full stack development as a career then lots of learning along with ability to troubleshoot on the entire application stack, code reusability and being on continuous learning mode enables them to handle the intricacies of the digital world.

In this digital age in recent times when we are talking about data and a lot of things to do with data and how data can help businesses expand in terms of revenue to profitability,Python makes dealing with data easy and friendly.

Having a Python developer across your table will act as a helpful friend, ensuring one can  handle data sets in simple steps without being confused. Learning Python makes it easier and straightforward to manage data with ease. 

Important features of Java developers

Organizations when they hire java developers look for professionals who are well versed in one java suit technologies that include core Java, servlets, Rest API along with other tools. 

Being a robust programming language the demand for java full stack developer is high in the job market as it has object oriented programming (OOP).A full stack Java developer can either be on the frontend side or versatile at the backend.

Framework for Java developers

Among programming languages Java is being considered for all scale of industries be it  small,  medium to large. Companies in the ecommerce business and many others still sought after java programmers. being an old school language its  nature remains  robust, versatile and highly scalable. Coders who want to start from scratch Java is the best way to start.

Front end Java developers

On the front end side if they opt for they must be well-versed in languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  As they design captivating user interfaces for engagement and visual experience. 

Backend Java developers

 They are mostly on the server side with logic, manage databases and handle the application’s core functionality. Their main work is to see that logic applied on application flow without any hiccups. Frameworks that are popular like Spring Boot provide a well-rounded ecosystem empowering backend developers. 

Advantages of using Java for full stack development

Java was developed by Sun Microsystems in the year 1995 and has its runtime environment and API. The language is very simple to learn and for starters and syntax is based on C++. Java is both secured and robust language and hiring a Java developer means having an asset.

Since Java continues to hold supreme position in  popular programming languages and mainly employed in mobile development, backend development, cloud-based solutions and now IoT  to Big data requires hiring Java developers.

Demand for Python and Java full stack developers in the job market

As a full stack developer it is continuous evolution and demands a lot of attention and demands adaptability to develop new frameworks.

The job market is brimming with demand for developers be it Java full stack or Python developers. Every industry is having the power of data and scaling heights with power of data. Here is why developers come into the scene.

The reason being on one side Java full stack empowers developers to work independently while understanding the entire development life cycle.

For those who seek an easy language, simple syntax that almost sounds like English,  and can be written for clear concise coding purposes, Python is the best choice.For long term such codes can be maintained.

To master the language developers can use the below tips.

For those aspiring to become proficient Full Stack Developers in the Java system mastering the fundamentals is prime to solidify foundation with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Java. Have clear concepts on the roles in both frontend and backend development. Become familiar with the framework and have hands-on practice sessions that can be done in collaboration with open source projects.

And the same goes with Python full-stack developers. You should first master Python fundamentals, explore frameworks, understand database management, and adopt continuous integration and deployment practices.

Python is one of the top 5 programming languages and major industry leaders like Google,IBM , Dell etc are continuously hiring python developers list 100000 jobs both in fresher and experienced. LinkedIn has about 3000 active list hiring in their portal. Similarly Glassdoor and other also list hiring Python developers. The salary range starts from average 7 lah pa. 

For Java full stack developers are at the top of the game when it comes to hiring as they are all-rounder’s, have great chance to bag a job in the ever-changing landscape of technology. The prospects not only have coding as their main competencies but also well versed in server administration. The salary range for a full stack java developer goes from 5lkh pa to 9lkh pa.

Key comparison between a java and python developer

If we compare both the language and demand in job market then Python’s popularity is not only limited to the field of software development, but it extends to Data Science as well. It is a high-level, open-source language that supports object-oriented, imperative, functional, and procedural development paradigms. 

At the same time IT companies maintain a massive Java codebase with JVM as the primary computing environment. Today, Java serves as one of the main tools for developing native apps for the Android platform. 

From a hiring perspective both developers either Java full stack or Python based developers are in demand so the IT staffing agencies sometimes have to bridge the gap and hire someone who has knowledge on both. E.g. we take it when invoking an existing Java application in Python, one needs a bridge between Python and Java.

So demand for both in today’s job market is high as technology is evolving and organizations want to save cost on staffing in IT.

Challenges for IT staffing & recruiting agencies

IT staffing and recruiting agencies often face challenges when it comes to hiring and retaining talents both in Java and Python domain. The challenges can range from having the accurate skill set required, lack of communications skill the candidates often have and the hiring to recruiting process is a costly affair along with being time consuming.

In the midst of chaos in hiring and retaining one such organization that is going ahead in grooming IT talents, connecting to the companies directly and assuring quality candidates to companies is Talentonlease.

Talentonlease is making relentless efforts in this direction so that software developers find suitable jobs and the process of hiring remains simple and flexible right from the registration process.


Python is the most versatile language for coding and the second-best programming language and an open-source programming language, so one can download the source code for free, make any changes you want, and distribute your version.

Using Java is beneficial if building web applications, the ability to work on both front-end and back-end development 

In enterprise environments fundamental and advanced Java skills such as multithreading, concurrency, JVM tuning and object-oriented design are vital 


Lot of controversies are there: who is paid more?

Java developers or Python.

For Java developers, professionals who are experienced and  skilled and gained substantial experience can command salaries reaching a remarkable INR 11 lakh per year as per research in India..

For beginners as Python developers they earn around INR 2.31 lakh per annum whereas experienced developers earn up to INR 12.61 lakh per annum. Some of the prominent employers of Python developers in India include Tata Consultancy Services, Accenture, and Wipro. 

 It is important to keep in mind that Python developers often earn slightly higher average wages


Yes, due to its easy-to-learn syntax and numerous libraries, Python developers or hiring python developers became necessary as Python  includes machine learning and data science.

Many of these industries are relatively new and are growing at a rapid pace which is why the demand for Python developers is sky-rocketing. 

Demand for python based developers are very high, and when particular skill set is high in demand the salary for that skill increases accordingly. This is the reason why Python developers earn such lucrative salaries in India. 


Developers use Python for everything from system building to system administration, and Google has always considered it among its most vital languages. 

Python's creator Guido Van Rossum worked at Google between 2005 and 2012. The company's motto, "Python where we can, C++ where we must," describes just how much the teams rely on this versatile programming language.

  • Java has compiled nature, and performs better than Python. The bytecode generated by the Java compiler facilitates efficient execution.
  • Python on the other hand can result in slower execution speed compared to Java. Nevertheless, Python’s extensive libraries and frameworks help mitigate this performance disparity in many scenarios.


While hiring Python  developers that have  high demand for large-scale web development, it isn't as popular in enterprise development, mainly because database access is limited and underdeveloped compared to other technologies like ODBC. 

For hiring java developers enterprises have options as Java has several frameworks for building full stack applications.

It's crucial to consider each framework’s associated pros and cons, adoption rates, and how effectively they address the intended business requirements so we can say in comitive world Java remains indespinsible.


Java is a preferred language amongst mobile applications and development but Python has great demand in Ml or machine learning. Engineers prefer Python.Also new age AI related technologies prefer Python. 

This is the very reason Python developers not only in India but Europer  have the  highest-paying salary with an average annual income of over 5.10 lakh in India as per statistics.


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